Every parent wants the best for their child. So do we - and we believe the best way to achieve that is by our schools working together as part of the Warriner Multi-Academy Trust
Academy Information
The Warriner MAT is an Oxfordshire Diocese Board of Education (ODBE) Voluntary Aided Multi Academy Trust. The trust was set up in August 2015 with one secondary school (The Warriner), three primary schools (Bishop Carpenter, Hornton and Sibford Gower). A further two form entry primary school (Bishop Loveday) joined in June 2017 followed by a Northamptonshire primary school (Farthinghoe) in September 2018 and Finmere CE Primary school in March 2020. The trust opened a free 2 form entry primary school in Bicester in September 2023. In May 2017 the MAT was granted sponsorship status by the RSC in recognition of our capacity for growth.
Track record
We have a proven track record of working effectively with all of our schools. This has been formally recognised by the Regional Schools Commissioner who has invited us to showcase our successes at regional conferences and the DfE who included our MAT in their trusts best practice document in recognition of our support of smaller primary schools. The MAT leadership team work diligently to ensure the very highest standards are achieved by all our students. As a result of this collaborative approach, all schools within the MAT continue to perform well above national standards. Our Academy model of working and capacity for growth is reviewed annually by Regional Schools team and continues to be viewed to be strong practice.
Since conversation all our schools have remained Ofsted Good. The two schools who joined with a status of RI both achieved Good under our leadership. We have also taken a school out of special measures in less than two years. We are very proud of this achievement which is due to our collaborative approach to school improvement. The impact of the work of the MAT was highly commended by the inspection teams.
Please follow this link to access the website of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust
All statutory information can be found here: www.warrinermultiacademytrust.co.uk/page/?title=Statutory+Information&pid=26