This page is to share and celebrate works of Art and Design created by our talented pupils.
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Antarctic pictures created to set the scene for the Oak Class topic about Shackleton
Observation drawing for the Big Apple Festival 2023
The children in oak class created these stunning observation drawings as part of our contribution to the local community Apple Festival.
They worked on a large scale using soft pastels and being completely absorbed in 'careful looking' and interpreting what they noticed in the 2-D form. Although they all drew the same apple, the results are strikingly different as the children begin to develop their own artistic styles.
They worked on a large scale using soft pastels and being completely absorbed in 'careful looking' and interpreting what they noticed in the 2-D form. Although they all drew the same apple, the results are strikingly different as the children begin to develop their own artistic styles.
ICE ART - December 2022
We were surprised by heavy snowfall and then a whole week of temperatures well below freezing. The school grounds looked beautiful.
During playtime, we decided to make ice mobiles. The children put oak leaves into bowls and plates, poured water on top and then pushed some lengths of string under the water.
The next day, our ice mobiles were ready. We tied them to a tree on the mini-field. They looked really beautiful as they spun in the air and the sun shone through them. Each day, they looked a bit different as they got coated in frost overnight. Until the temperature rose .......and our ice mobiles melted, leaving these photographs as our artworks.
Children in Need Day 2022 - Art & Design
For the second year running, we decided to mark Children in Need with Art & Design workshops across the school. The children love opportunities to become immersed in art projects, and to work collaboratively with children from other classes and year groups. The theme was Circles and Stripes and one of our aims was to encourage the children to explore a range of techniques and look at the work of different artists.
The children in Beech and Willow classes looked at the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We focused on his 'circle compositions' which are studies in watercolour where he explored the impact of juxtaposing different colours in an arrangement of circles within a grid.
Rather than painting, we decided to explore chalk pastels and the children made careful colour choices and worked at blending and smudging the pastels to create some really stunning finished pieces. Some children chose to work independently, while others worked in pairs. |
Oak Class Op ArtThe children in Oak Class looked at examples of Op Art by artists, Victor Vasarely and Bridget Riley. They created their own pieces, still within the circle theme, which we ‘collated’ into a kinetic art work for the library. It took a lot of concentration and a very systematic approach to create the individual circles, but it was good fun and the 'mobile' looks great!
Children in Need Day 2021 - Art Workshops
We began Children in Need Day with a whole school assembly to ensure that all of our children understood what Children in Need is all about. The theme for the day in school was Spots and Stripes and, in the afternoon, we ran workshops exploring this theme through circle (the spots) and line (the stripes).
Inspired by the work of artist Georgia Gray, our youngest children, in Acorn & Beech classes, created concentric circle patterns using collage and paint. We arranged these on paper and then took our pastels for a walk in and out and all around, exploring colour through blending and line and creating these very striking artworks. It was great fun working collaboratively! |
Inspired by the art of quilt maker Maritza Soto and traditional Mexican talavera patterned tiles, we cut circles which we decorated with oil pastels. A little more cutting and sticking and we had made our own tiles.
Simple but effective.
Simple but effective.
We couldn't dress up for World Book Day in school this year, but we were still able to re-create some of our favourite book characters through Art & Design.
World Book Day Art
Acorn Class Art at home
The children have been exploring the work of wildlife artist, David Shepherd. His work was the inspiration for some of these wonderful pictures created at home by the Fletcher children. Very well done!
Some beautiful pictures of bird murmurations by KS2 children - created at home
Cardboard montages of wild animals by some of the children in school. Thanks to Mrs Williams for the inspiration & planning
The children in the Key Stage 2 bubble were given the challenge of designing, making and decorating a special chair for Ms O'Sullivan's very fine bear, Putney Bridges. The chairs needed to be the right size, strong and stable, and nicely decorated. Putney was very pleased when they worked! And so were the children.