Bonjour et bienvenue! Hello and welcome to our French and Music pages for Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School. Here you can find lots of activities to help you with your learning at home. Follow the links below for your class and the subject.
French Home Learning - Term 4 (February/March 2021)
For all Classes.......
Mot Magnifique! |
French Home Learning - Term 3 (January/February 2021)
For all Classes.......
Mot Magnifique! Week beginning 11th January
This week we are learning to talk about the New Year and find out about a special festival that is celebrated in France at the start of the year. Click the red button below to watch the video and the black button will take you to a BBC craft to make which is linked to this celebration. |
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Music Home Learning - Term 3 (January/February 2021)
Acorn and Beech
Session One: London Bridge is Falling Down
This week we are exploring a traditional song about London. Listen to the music and then sing along. Once you are familiar with the words can you come up with some actions to go with each verse? Maybe you can teach your actions to someone else? Note: the button below will take you to the BBC website where you can view the song video and accompanying lyrics. Session Two: The Great Fire of London
Explore the Great Fire of London through songs and musical activities. |
Willow and Oak
Session One: Loki the Joker
This week we listen and respond to an extract from a piece of music inspired by Norse myths and learn a song about one very cheeky God! Session Two: The Ride of the Valkyries
This week we listen to a very famous piece of music and learn about the musical convention of a 'leitmotif'. We also learn about Thor and have the oppotunity to compose our own leitmotif based around Norse mythology. Session Three: Storm Interlude
This week we explore musical dynamics with a musical trip on a very stormy sea! |
La Fête Nationale Française (Bastille Day) Celebrations
This week sees a very special celebration for France and French people across the world; on Tuesday 14th July it will be La Fête Nationale Française or Bastille Day as we often hear it called. Below you will see a range of activities you may like to try, there are three videos with activities to enjoy and two quizzes to have a go at - one is a family quiz to try together and the second quiz will test how much you've learned from watching our three special videos! Bonne fête!
What is Bastille Day?
Have a watch of this video and find more about France's national day and why it is celebrated. You'll find a craft to try and a special dance to learn! |
Art Activity
Learn about Pablo Picasso - we all know he was Spanish but did you know he lived most of his adult life in France and has a very special museum in Paris dedicated to him? Learn more about him in this video and try a Picasso inspired art activity. |
French Food
It wouldn't be a Sibford Gower Bastille Day without the French Café! Join in with this video to find out more about French cuisine. |
Quiz Time
Follow the links below for two quizzes, the first one links to a quiz about all the previous videos so make sure you've watched them first and the second is a fun quiz for all the family to try together about all things France! |
French Activities Term 6 (Summer Term 2)
Acorn and Beech
This term we are looking at stories and traditional rhymes and songs in French. Follow the adventures of two cats, Marvin and LouLou and lean some fab action songs along the way.
Week beginning June 1st
This week we are listening to a story about Marvin and LouLou's trip to the beach where they hear a very famous French song. Would you like to learn it to? Click the button before to hear the story and sing along with Mrs Perkins and her special guest star! (Psssst! The lyrics to this week's song translate as:
Brother John, Brother John Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? The morning bells are ringing, the morning bells are ringing. Ding dang dong! Ding dang dong!) Week beginning June 8th
This week we listen as Marvin and LouLou visit Avignon and learn a special song. You can also click below for a special activity sheet to draw and colour. Week beginning June 15th
This week we join Marvin and LouLou at the cafe! We do some counting and learn a traditional song using French numbers and rhymes. After you've joined in, why not download our special activity sheet to print and colour. Week beginning June 22nd
This week we join Marvin and LouLou at the supermarket! We will learn a French song about traditional French food. After you've joined in, why not download our special activity sheet to print and colour? Week beginning June 29th
This week we join Marvin and Loulou at the playground. We learn how to ask people what their name is and say what ours is too. This week's dance involves a very special guest. After you've watched the video and joined in the singing, why not try this week's activity sheet, draw your own portrait and complete the sentence. Week beginning 6th July
This week we join Marvin and Loulou at the Pet Shop and learn a new song about some little fish. |
This term we are looking at the topic 'En Ville' - all about where we live. Through songs, stories and videos we will learn about where we live, villages and towns and learn some French geography too!
Week beginning June 1st
This week we learn how to ask someone where they live and how to answer. Click the button below to view the video lesson. You will also need a piece of paper and some colours for the activity. Week beginning June 8th
This week we are learning about the different places we might find in a village or a town. Like last week, you will need some paper and colours for the activity. Week beginning June 15th
This week we are learning more about the different places in town and creating our own town plans. You'll need some paper, colours and something write with and also download our picture dictionary to help with your labels. Week beginning June 22nd
This week we are looking at how to describe where places are in relation to each other by learning and using some positional language. Week beginning June 29th
This week we are going to be doing some writing to describe our name. You may wish to download the picture dictionary for this activity which can be found by clicking the button link above. Week beginning 6th July
This week we learn about asking for, following and giving directions around the town. There's a song to learn and a new activity to try too. Click the links below to watch the video, find the lyrics to the song, the vocab sheet and an activity to try after watching. |
Oak 5 and 6
This term we are looking at a contrasting country and discovering more about life in Morocco.
Week beginning June 1st
Week beginning June 8th
This week we are looking at Moroccan food. Week beginning June 15th
This week we are visiting a Moroccan market. Week beginning June 22nd
This week we are looking at some tasty Moroccan treats! Week beginning June 29th
This week we are learning about the people who live in Morocco. Week beginning July 6th
This week we are looking at the beautiful Moroccan countryside. |
Music Activities Term 6 (Summer Term 2)
Acorn and BeechThis term in music we are looking at rhythm with a special 'Rio' flavour!
Week beginning June 1st
This week we are learning a clapping rhythm rhyme and practising sticking to a steady beat. Click the button below to view the video. Week beginning June 8th
This week we are learning a new clapping song and matching our actions with our body rhythms. Week beginning June 15th
This week we are looking at the tempo and dynamics of music and playing a new rhythm pattern to practice them. Week beginning June 22nd
This week we are looking at a rhythm with a South American flair! Week beginning June 29th
This week we are looking at a piece of music from Brazil, using and creating our own listening map. You will need some paper and some colours for the activity. Week beginning July 6th
This week we are learning more about The Little Train of the Caipira and the instruments of the orchestra and working with a famous poet to help us write our own poem about a train journey. |
Willow and Oak 5This term in music we are looking at keeping the beat and creating different rhythms.
Week beginning June 1st
This week we are practising different clapping rhythms and playing along to a piece of music. Week beginning June 1st
This week we are starting to look at cup rhythms. Week beginning June 15th
This week we are looking at a new rhythm song called 'World Unite'. We will be exploring the chorus and the beat using a simple body rhythm. Week beginning June 22nd
World Unite Part 2 - More body rhythms and a cup rhythm to try. Week beginning June 29th
This week we are learning some body rhythms. Week beginning July 6th
This week we are listening to a modern piece of music and learning a 'table top' dance inspired by DJ turntables. |
Oak 6UPDATE as of 29th June - you DO NOT need to do a video upload if you are in school, if you are not in the Oak 6 bubble in school you may like to still record. Please check your emails for details as to how to record and send and read these before you record using the Guide Track below to ensure you are doing it right!
This term in music we will become a virtual choir and plan, perform and record a special song to celebrate our very special Y6 'Class of 2020'. Week 2 rehearsal - part 1 of the song Week 3 rehearsal - part 2 of the song Click the buttons below to play each rehearsal and click the red button for the lyric sheet. PLEASE NOTE: if you downloaded the lyric sheet in week 1, you may wish to download again as there were some mistakes which have now been corrected. |
French Activities
Acorn and BeechBonjour! Here you will find some super learning for activities for Acorn and Beech (although they are also suitable for all ages). Follow the links below to learn more...
NOTE: there are options to download each video but this is not necessary, they are all viewable in the browser. |
WillowBonjour! Here you will find some super learning for activities for Willow. Follow the links below to learn more:
Week beginning 20th April 2020 We are starting a new topic this term all about potions! Click on the link below to find out about a funny witch and her wild brew! Then try our quiz to test what you have learned! NOTE: there are options to download each video but this is not necessary, they are all viewable in the browser. Week beginning 27th April 2020
This week we are learning some more potion words and revising French colours and how to use them to add more description. Follow the link to the teaching video and then the second link to download the activity sheet. If you aren't able to print, it's not a problem, just draw your own cauldron to fill with creepy potion creatures! Don't forget the quiz from last week! NOTE: there are options to download each video but this is not necessary, they are all viewable in the browser. Week beginning 4th May
Oak 5 and 6Bonjour! Here you will find some super learning for activities for Oak 5 and 6. Follow the links below to learn more:
Week beginning: 20th April 2020 This week we are recapping some of our work from last term about foods we like and dislike. Check out the powerpoint, join in with the singing and then try our quiz! NOTE - the powerpoint is a very large file and may be difficult to download depending on what device you are using / what your internet speed is like. There is no need to view the powerpoint content however, you can complete the quiz without it. Week beginning 27th April 2020
This week we are learning some vocabulary related to keeping healthy. Click the link below to download the powerpoint. Week beginning 4th May
This week we are learning some vocabulary to talk about a healthy diet. Click to view the video below, you may need to click 'present' in the top right hand corner of the screen if the presentation does not start automatically. Week beginning 11th May
This week we are designing our own healthy routine. Click the video below to view. Week beginning May 17th
This week is our last week about being healthy - this week we are learning how to talk about good health. Click to view the video below. |
Music Activities
Acorn and Beech
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Let's start with a song, 'Clap Hands, Stamp Feet' - follow the link below and sing-a-long, don't forget to join in with the actions. Then try the music challenge below! Music Challenge
Think of some alternative lyrics and actions to sing and perform along to the song (nod head, twitch nose, knock knees etc.) How about more expressions and faces to pull at the end too? Week beginning 27th April
Last term we were learning about the planets - sing along with this catchy song to remind yourself of the order of them! Music Challenge
Listen to The Planets Suite by Gustav Holst. Can you hear the different qualities of each planet in the style of music of each movement? For example, Mars, the Bringer of War sounds strong and angry whereas Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity has a lighter, brighter and more celebratory feel. Which is your favourite movement? Week beginning 4th May
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Let's start with a song, 'A Little Bit of Kindness' - follow the link below and sing-a-long! Then try the activity below! Music Challenge
With your family members, make a list of the little acts of kindness that you can do to brighten someone’s day at home. Can you come up with 50 ideas? How many can you do in a day? Can you fit the ideas into the rhythm of the song and make up your own verses? Week beginning 27th April
There are lots of reasons to sing! In this song we explore some of them, have a go at singing along and then try the music challenge for this week! Music Challenge
Look at the last line of each verse e.g. Humpty Dumpty/kangaroo; mashed potato/vindaloo. There are four syllables in the first phrase (Hump-ty Dump-ty) and three in the second (kan-ga-roo). Also, the second word or phrase always ends with an ‘oo’ rhyme. Have some fun writing some new ‘last lines’ and try them out. "Sing (4 syllables) ____ ____ ____ ____ Sing (4 syllables / oo rhyme) ____ ____ ___ ___" Week beginning 4th May
Oak 5 and 6
Week beginning 20th April 2020
Let's start with a song, 'Together' - follow the link below and sing-a-long! Then try the activity below! Music Challenge
Bounce the ball to one another to the beat of the music. Bounce the ball to your partner on beat one for them to catch on beat two. Continue bouncing the ball to each other in time with music as the song continues (so you’ll be bouncing on beats one and three, and catching on beats two and four). Week beginning 27th April 2020
Singing as part of a group is all about listening to yourself and other people at the same time! Music Challenge
Try this is silly song with your family - see if you can each sing a different part each! Week beginning 4th May